Exposure and real support systems for our youth

are essential for a balanced and informed life.

With our new team and a total revamping of our organization, we will soon be introducing several programs within our organization to help address the whole person for our youth. We feel that in order for our youth to be well-balanced individuals and major contributors to society, there must be programs in place to address their needs that help elevate them to be all that they can be. In the past, we resorted to accruing funds for our first ground breaking project the “Black Panther Movie” event and our follow up event “Pilolo”, via the crowd funding program, GoFundMe. 

Our goal was to raise $15,000, which we accomplished with much work and dedication. In addition, we hosted  several community events promoting and movie showings around African History, Ethnic Pride and the importance os self awareness and identity. We also sponsored several local youth soccer teams and countless individual youths with school fees and other essentials. With strong financial support we are looking forward to more permanent programing and events to fulfill our vision and mission for our youth.

Independent Fundraising Projects

The efforts are designed to address specific needs for our local youth in the area and throughout the nation. We will utilize various channels to solicit support and funding including conventional fundraising efforts, crowdfunding, events, and special projects.

"She Plays" Fundraising Campaign

My name is Stephen Williams, III co-founder of The Repat Assistance Initiative, (TRAI) with my wife, Candace Williams, along with our team set out to provide viable practical solutions to as many people as we can serve, particularly to our youth. “She Plays” fundraising campaign provides essential feminine hygiene products to disadvantaged female athletes in Ghana who lack access to sanitary pads, tampons, and other essentials. Many girls are unable to participate in sports and other physical activities during their periods due to a lack of menstrual products. In many communities, girls are left out of the equation when it comes to sports and even certain occupations and trades. It’s vitally important that we show our girls that they are important, they matter, and that there are people who care about their interest and their well-being.

The Repat Assistance Initiative, (TRAI), a social service NGO, exists to empower youth and young adults alike, providing them with the tools to be productive citizens as they transition into adulthood. We partner with other organizations to develop strong purpose-driven youth who reach the fullness of their dreams. There are so many economic gaps and voids impacting every aspect of a young woman’s life. By filling this one, often neglected gap we grant them one less thing to worry about, one less roadblock to their progress; one less barrier in their path to establishing and achieving their dreams (whatever they may be!)

TRAI is registered in the Republic of Ghana to serve people, both from Ghana and the Diaspora. Our team consists of educators, healthcare providers, law enforcement, entrepreneurs, accountants, students, and young adults. One of the major motivating factors for the creation of TRAI was to help fill the many voids in our communities facing our youth. As with many metropolitan areas worldwide, in the Greater Accra region of Ghana, there are numerous needs facing our youth that are not being addressed effectively. This campaign is designed specifically for our girls.

Fundraising Goals:

  • Our goal for our first project is to reach 1,000 girls and supply them with the feminine essentials to help them.
  • We want to raise $255,000 to purchase a year's supply of sanitary pads and tampons for girls and young women participating in school and community sports programs across Ghana for an entire year.
  • If 25,500 gave just $10, we can reach our goal. Each one of us challenges 10 people to donate we can get the job done. 
  • Partner with girls' sports organizations as well as other organizations that support our girls to identify and provide products to those most in need.
  • Improve access to feminine hygiene products so female athletes can stay active year-round.

Items include:

Bar soap (pack of 2 or 3)

Soap case

Sapo / sponge

Microfiber towel



Dental floss

Mouth rinse




Nail grooming kit

Sanitary pads (regular)

Sanitary pads (heavy)

Sanitary pads (overnight)

Panty liners

Feminine hygiene disposal bags

Wet wipes

Menstruation tracker / calendar / journal

Pen & Pencil set

Guide to healthy eating & sleeping

Go to our GoFundme Campain  or Donate below

Ghana  Boys & Girls Club

This is an upcoming fundraising project campaign we will be launching soon. The Ghana Boys & Girls Club will provide a safe space for our youth- especially our disadvantaged youth throughout Ghana to participate in our various programs listed below; and to play soccer, basketball, volleyball, swim, and more. The facility will include athletic courts, fields, athletic equipment, and student classrooms for various programming. The goal is to construct the initial club in a centralized area of Ghana and then build a duplicate facility in each region.

Giving our youth access to sports facilities and quality programs will keep them focused and on a positive life trajectory. This Ghana Boys & Girls Club campaign will greatly impact our youth now and for generations to come. We invite you to donate and be apart of this incredible project.

PROGRAMS & TRAINING  (coming soon)

Discovering Me (Finding Your Purpose) 

The ME Within Me (TMWM) is an exciting experience designed to equip youth of African ancestry to discover who they really are. This experience is a fun and informative training program, specifically designed to help the participants discover their purpose in life.

  1. This will be achieved with lectures and an accompanying workbook. No two participants will have the same answers because the questions are personal.
  2. The youth will be assisted in how to take the next step of actuating their purpose. 

Self Construction (Character Building) 

It is often said that true character can be measured by what one would do if no one is looking. Character is something that is “etched" into us by the experiences that we have as we go through life. 

The purpose of the Character Building Program for the youth is to instill certain positive traits. 

  1. Indoor and outdoor training takes each participant out of their comfort zone and forces them to 'dig deep' to find new resources within themselves.

Outdoor education provides opportunities for youth to conquer fears and manage risks. The youth will learn more about themselves and about their peers when they are exposed to challenging situations.

Spinning Your Wheels (Developing Critical Thinking Skills)

Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. The purpose of developing critical thinking skills within our youth are as follows:

  1. Use concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking;
  2. Develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason;
  3. Improve their reasoning abilities;
  4. Improve the world in whatever ways they can and contribute to a more rational, civilized society; 
  5. Appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others;
  6. Commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement.  

Lend A Hand (Civic Responsibilities)

Civic Responsibilities is defined as the "responsibility of a citizen". As the youth are transitioning from childhood to adulthood, it is important for them to be active participants in helping to make Ghana and Africa better for their generation and for generations to follow.

  1. It is comprised of actions and attitudes associated with democratic governance and social participation.
  2. Civic responsibility can include participation in government, volunteers, and memberships of voluntary associations.
  3. Actions of civic responsibility can be displayed in advocacy for various causes, such as political, economic, civil, environmental or quality of life issues.
  4. Each participant in our program will be required to perform approved community service activities of their choice.
  5. A certificate of completion will be given to all youth after completing 40 hours of approved community service. The individual or organization for which the youth is providing service must sign off on the 40 hours of service.

Ready For The World (Adulthood Preparation and Life Skills Program) 

This training will prepare the youth with readiness skills and the keys to adulthood. Each group will have age appropriate classes.

  1. Remove all false ideals of marriage, family relations, dating, parenting, and roles that individuals have gained through their life’s journey and replace them with righteous stable principals.
  2. Finances: Budgeting, bank accounts, investments, family planning 
  3. Prevention of children before they are prepared.
  4. Family roles and adult responsibilities 

Roots (African History Program) 

The African History Program’s purpose is to reintroduce African history to youth of African ancestry, affirm African pride, promote African oneness, and cement the idea of Africa/African first in the minds of every participant. These attributes are critical in helping to build a new self-reliant Africa.

This will be accomplished utilizing videos and partaking of lectures from staff and guest speakers on various subjects pertaining to African history. Learning true African history will lessen the likelihood and ultimately rid the next generation of self-hatred manifested in white god worship, skin bleaching, despising their natural hair, loving all things European, and migrating to Europe or the USA.

Touch Back (Mentoring Program) 

The purpose of the mentoring program is to establish relationships between established adults and youth and young adults and school-aged children. This will be done in a two-tier process.

  1. The first tier will be creating professional relationship in which an experienced person (the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth.
  2. The second tier will be transitioning the mentoree to mentor younger children in their communities, which will teach accountability and responsibility.

The Compound (The Arts)

The purpose of the Arts Program is not only show how art is everywhere including in nature but to expose our youth to the different mediums in art. This exposure can also be a tool to activate some of their purpose in life and for others serve as a means to help them acquire a balanced life by being an outlet. We will also have professional artisans serve as teachers and mentors for many students. The following areas of the arts will be explored.

  1. Dance (traditional African dance, Hip Hop, Modern, Hand Dancing and Freestyle)
  2. Drama (monologues, plays, play and screen writing)
  3. Poetry (spoken word)
  4. Music (instruments, drumming, writing, singing, producing)
  5. Painting and Drawing (using different mediums including oils, acrylics, pastels, colored pencils, markers, and air brushing)
  6. Sculpture (clay, wood, and metal)
  7. Photography (learning the Camera, and phone photography, photo touch ups)
  8. Videography (learning the art of videography including lighting. Will work with the Drama department)
  9. Martial arts/self defense (Will learn basic martial arts and self defense techniques) 

Who’s The Boss (Entrepreneur Program)

The Entrepreneur Program will provide tools for participants to develop quality entrepreneurial endeavors to help them financially support their families and revive their communities.

  1. Teach cooperative entrepreneurial efforts and the importance as a viable option to individual efforts.
  2. Teach basic entrepreneurial principals including but not limited to;
  3. Customer service
  4. Excellence in products and services
  5. Marketing
  6. Reinvesting in their business
  7. Expansion 

Word Power (Self Assertiveness / Oratory Lessons) 

Assertiveness is a skill regularly referred to as social and communication skills training. The youth will learn:

  1. To get their point across without upsetting others, or becoming upset themselves;
  2. To express feelings, wishes, wants, and desires appropriately in a clear, open and reasonable way, without undermining their own or others’ rights;
  3. To develop the public speaking skills needed to prepare and deliver an outstanding speech 

Self Care (The Art of Balanced Living Program) 

The purpose of the Art of Balanced Living Program is to support youth in making connections and applying skills for a lifetime of health and wellbeing. The following will be covered:

  1. Healthy outlets such as meditation, yoga, exercise, and other recreational activities;
  2. The importance of eating healthy and what constitutes healthy eating;
  3. How what you see and hear affects you;
  4. Daily positive mantras and self motivation

Cultural Awareness

The purpose of this the program is to enlighten our youth to cultures beyond what they know in Ghana. We feel a well-rounded individual who is exposed to other cultures is not only better equipped to represent their own but is more astute in dealing with people from other countries and cultures. 

  1. By being familiar with different aspects of culture from other nations, the our youth will also be less likely to be ignorant and prejudice but be able to see not only uniqueness’s of others but also similarities. 
  2. We will promote tourism both domestic as well as to neighboring countries to experience carnivals, festivals, art, music, foods, games, songs, dances as they relate to others' spirituality.
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